Independence Day: Focusing on Freedom in Christ
From the Pastor
Before you get nervous about some weird mixture of patriotism and Christianity, let me assure you this is anything but that. However, I see some powerful imagery in what we call Independence Day here in the United States of America, and what we call Freedom in Christ as Christians.
Let me explain by showing you four ways the imagery of both overlaps.
First, we have to put aside apple pie, hamburgers & hot dogs, and fireworks. This is not what Independence Day is about. On July 4, 1776, representatives of the thirteen colonies came together and put in place the Declaration of Independence. At that time the Revolutionary War was already underway. However, the colonies wanted to unequivocally state their freedom from England’s rule.
So, here are four things that should remind Christians of freedom in Christ today.
1. It’s a gift.
None of us living today in this great nation earned it. Someone else (many others) sacrificed and died for it. Our freedom in Christ comes the same way. I did not earn it nor can I. Christ died for it. Paul says in Galatians 5:1, “For freedom Christ has set us free”. He did it for us and all we must do is receive it.
2. It’s a mid-war declaration.
By July 4, 1776, the revolutionary war had already begun, and the battles would not end for many years to come. In this life, we face many battles and many of them continue far longer than we would wish or could anticipate. Sometimes we need to pause mid-war and declare our freedom in Christ to restrengthen our resolve.
3. It’s a celebration of restoration.
The food, the fireworks, and the parades are all to celebrate a freedom we had lost but have found anew. If there is one thing, we should be regular about as Christians, it is celebration. Even the angels celebrate someone receiving freedom in Christ (Luke 15:10).
4. It’s united.
The power of the Declaration of Independence is in the “WE”. When WE gather together in the freedom of Christ, WE become the most powerful force upon the earth.
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