
While the Bible never uses the words “tunnel vision”, the concept of it being a spiritual danger is shared throughout scripture. Many of the verbal warnings Jesus gave about and to the Pharisees, Sadducees, Lawyers, and Scribes were born out of these groups succumbing to their own tunnel vision. (Matt. 16:30, Luke 7, Matt. 11).

Tunnel vision, to which no one is immune, causes us to focus so tightly on what is right in front of us that we can miss what is happening around us.

I can’t help but feel like this year has begun with events that could lead us to suffer from tunnel vision here at Cumberland if we do not take a moment now and again to zoom out to see the larger picture.

This year has begun with harsher than normal winter weather, along with wetter than normal winter weather. These have caused us to close on one Sunday and have far fewer people on several other Sundays. Along with the weather, it has been either an especially harsh cold/flu/covid season or maybe since covid we are just more aware, more cautious, and yes maybe even a little more anxious when it comes to health  issues.

With all that going on maybe you have looked at our Sunday morning crowd and wondered what is going on, where is everybody?

Actually, in February our average attendance per week, when you add in-person and online, has been 93 attendees per week, and this is without including the young adult group from North Lexington a couple of weeks ago.

At the same time we have started back our LifeGroups with more attendees than in previous years. We have started back our children’s church program after many years. We have added a staffed nursery for two age groups. We have had more local in person visitors than normal, and much more!

Keep up the good work, but don’t forget to take time to also see the work that is happening around you.


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Date: Feb 23, 2025
Series: Bulletin
Author: Alan Blackwell

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