

I have learned something very important over the last several weeks. What I have learned was not at all surprising. Instead it was encouraging to be able to verify what I believed to be true for some time.

Ready for my big epiphany? This congregation is slap full of people with amazing talents. We have seen people step up to organize our upcoming Harvest Festival that will be held September 21-22. We have people who are very talented in children’s ministry, youth ministry, facilities, marketing, etc.

We have also seen over the last few weeks talented people jump in to help an organization named “Help the Homeless” here in our community. Our talented people have organized gathering supplies, packing bags, and delivering food for this organization to make a difference in a community often looked down upon.

That’s not all. Over these same few weeks we have 9 different people who have not taught an adult class since I have been here willing to put themselves out there to lead our Wednesday night men’s & women’s classes on the “Fruit of the Spirit.” In doing so, every single one of them have shown in their own way how talented they are.

There are other things I could list as well, if I had the space, and all within the last few weeks. Again, while I am not surprised at the talents being used, I am encouraged they ARE being used.

Just a few weeks ago many of these same people were sitting on the sidelines. Some may have even believed they didn’t have talents or that no one cared about their talents.

Seeing all of this can’t help but lead me to ask some others out there, do you have talents that aren’t being used? Are you denying you even have them? Have we not asked you to use them?

We need your talents as well. Ask around and I think you will find it is very encouraging when you start to use them for God’s glory.


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Pure and Undefiled

    God works through people that others and often themselves think they are not capable.

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      As a tutor, you will have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of young people, help them improve ...