We will unite together through the Spirit in a peace that joins us so that we may grow our faith in Christ, while sharing our hope received through Christ, by serving others in the love exampled by Christ.
We have a casual but modest atmosphere at all of our gatherings. So, come as you are! We want you to feel not only welcome but comfortable while you are here.
There is a nursery that is staffed during our worship service for children up to 3 years of age.
Prayer: The early church devoted themselves to prayer (Acts 2:42) and we try to do the same. While we typically have both opening and closing prayers, we like to devote ourselves to prayer at other times as well.
Scripture Reading: The Apostle Paul encouraged Timothy to be devoted to publicly reading God’s Word and we want to be devoted to the same. Each week we listen together as God’s Holy and inspired Word is read.
Singing: Because we are a joyful people, we want to sing praises to our God (James 5:14). We do so here at Cumberland without the use of instruments and as a congregation so that each voice may be lifted to God in praise.
Communion: We participate in what is often referred to as “The Lord’s Supper” each week. We do so not as a ritual or work to get to heaven, but so that we may remember each and every week the suffering, the sacrifice, and the salvation that all were a part of the cross of Calvary.
Giving: In order to provide for the ongoing work of God’s Kingdom here on earth we take a collection or offering up each week. This collection is only expected of members and as our guest, while we encourage you to participate with us in other areas, please do not feel obligated to do so in our collection.
Preaching: During our service time, proclaiming God’s Word remains a part of our gathering just as it was a part of the New Testament Church (Acts 20:7).
To stay up to date on what’s going on, and get inspirational messages, make sure you follow us on social media.