
Articles, Bulletins, and More

Christian Masquerade

    To receive God's grace and become spiritually whole we must accept responsibility for our actions or our inact ...

    Sectarianism is Sinful

      The Restoration movement was hijacked by sectarianism and we must resolve to change that in the command of uni ...

      You Did Awesome!

        To get the bulletin printed, folded, and placed in a timely manner I normally write this article somewhere aro ...

        Hope and Joy

          The journey to learn to "walk a walk that is worthy of our calling" (Eph. 4:1) in 2024 has been chal ...

          Seasons Change

            Purpose can be found during any season of life if we allow God's love and grace to sustain us.

            There Are Lessons To Learn

              There are some lessons as the Church we can learn from the past election cycle and they are important for evan ...

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              LifeGroups = Fellowship Meal